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Integrated simulation of sediment transport and morphology, waves, water quality and ecology. Delft3D Homepage

Available Modules

module load Delft3D/141732-intel-2022a

Example scripts

For when only one CPU is required, generally as part of a job array.

#!/bin/bash -e

#SBATCH --job-name      Delft3D
#SBATCH --time          00:05:00       # Walltime
#SBATCH --mem           512M           # Total Memory
#SBATCH --hint          nomultithread  # Hyperthreading disabled
module load Delft3D/141732-intel-2022a
d_hydro test_input.xml

For domain based decompositions. Use --cpus-per-task to allocate resources. Each subdomain runs in a separate thread, inside one executable. Limited to one node.

#!/bin/bash -e

#SBATCH --job-name      Delft3D
#SBATCH --time          00:05:00       # Walltime
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task 4
#SBATCH --mem           2G             # Total Memory
#SBATCH --hint         nomultithread  # Hyperthreading disabled

module load Delft3D/141732-intel-2022a

srun d_hyrdo test_input.xml

Domain is split automatically in stripwise partitions. Can run across multiple nodes. Use --ntasks to allocate resources.

Cannot be used in conjunction with: - DomainDecomposition - Fluid mud - Coup online - Drogues and moving observation points - Culverts - Power stations with inlet and outlet in different partitions - Non-hydrostatic solvers - Walking discharges - 2D skewed weirs - max(mmax,nmax)/npart ≤ 4 - Roller model - Mormerge - Mass balance polygons

#!/bin/bash -e

#SBATCH --job-name      Delft3D_distributed
#SBATCH --time          00:05:00       # Walltime
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu   1G             #SBATCH --hint          nomultithread  # Hyperthreading disabled

module load Delft3D/141732-intel-2022a
srun d_hyrdo test_input.xml


Trying to use more tasks than there are partitions in your model will cause failure.