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The Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package (VASP) is a computer program for atomic scale materials modelling, e.g. electronic structure calculations and quantum-mechanical molecular dynamics, from first principles. VASP Homepage


VASP is proprietary software. Make sure you meet the requirements for it's usage.

Available Modules

module load VASP/6.4.2-intel-2022a


The Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package (VASP) is a programme for atomic scale materials modelling.

VASP computes an approximate solution to the many-body Schrödinger equation of a chemical system by either Density Functional Theory (and the KS equations), or Hartree-Fock.

Periodic boundary conditions make VASP particularly useful for studying materials with bulk-like properties. VASP uses a basis set made up of plane-waves as opposed to atom centred basis sets, and describes core atomic charges with pseudopotentials.

VASP can (among many other things) perform

  • structural relaxation and calculation of forces between nuclei
  • molecular dynamics
  • magnetic moments
  • partial charges
  • optical properties

For more information, please visit the VASP home page at


VASP is currently available on the Mahuika and Māui clusters.

Licensing requirements

VASP is made available to researchers under commercial licence agreements with individuals, research groups or institutions. Whether you have access to VASP, which versions you have access to, and under what conditions, will vary depending on where you work or study. You will only be permitted to access and use any given version of VASP on any NeSI cluster if you have a valid licence to use that version of VASP with your research group, employer, or institution, and if the terms of your licence permit cluster use.

If you do have a valid license, please Contact our Support Team to gain access to the VASP executables. You may be asked to provide proof of your license if you are not from a known group or if the license is new.

Best practices for VASP calculations

Example script

#!/bin/bash -e

#SBATCH --job-name        MyVASPJob
#SBATCH --time            01:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes           1
#SBATCH --ntasks          16               # start 16 MPI tasks
#SBATCH --mem             20G
#SBATCH --hint            nomultithread

module purge
module load VASP/6.4.1-intel-2022a

# Use the -K switch so that, if any of the VASP processes exits with an
# error, the entire job will stop instead of continuing to waste core
# hours on a defunct run.
srun -K1 vasp_std

Avoid hyperthreading

We and several researchers have found that VASP doesn't behave well with hyperthreading, and will run at a third to a half of its expected speed. To disable hyperthreading, please use either

#SBATCH --hint nomultithread

or, equivalently,

#SBATCH --hint=nomultithread

as shown in our example script above.

How many cores should I request?

Unsurprisingly, the number of cores used in a VASP calculation significantly influences on how long the calculation takes to finish. The more cores a problem can parallelise over, the more it can do at once. However, this parallelisation carries with it some communication costs. Too many cores for too small a problem can decrease efficiency and speed (not to mention waste resources), as the cost of communicating tasks/threads becomes greater than the cost of the calculation itself.

To determine an appropriate number of cores to request for a VASP calculation, it helps to know how VASP distributes its work. VASP parallelises its workload by allocating each KS orbital (enumerated by NBANDS) to the available cores in a round-robin fashion. In other words, each band is allocated to a single MPI task sequentially until all bands are assigned (more details on MPI are provided later). Each core must be allocated at least one orbital, and ideally will have “a small integer” (2-8) orbitals to work on. As a rule of thumb, requesting 1/8th the number of NBANDS is a reasonable starting point which hopefully achieves this 2 to 8 bands-per-core suggestion.

Requesting cores is best done with --ntasks in your Slurm script. To determine the value of NBANDS (and other parameters such as the number of k-points), you can perform a “dry run” of your calculation by setting ALGO=None in the INCAR. This will set up the calculation, but does not go into solving ionic or electronic loops. The calculation will finish quickly, and you can then pull the value of NBANDS from the OUTCAR.

Fill a node before working across nodes

You may find that packing your entire job onto a single node will make it run faster. Distributing a job across multiple nodes may also put the job at greater risk of node failure. You can request a single node with --nodes=1for jobs of up to --ntasks=128, which is enough for most VASP calculations. If you would like help making a large job more efficient, please [contact our support team Contact our Support Team.

VASP runs faster on Milan nodes

Milan compute../Running_Jobs_on_Maui_and_Mahuika/ nodes are not only our most powerful compute nodes, but often have shorter queues! These nodes are still opt-in at the moment, meaning you need to specify --partition=milan in your Slurm script, which we strongly encourage everyone to do!

MPI and OpenMP with VASP

VASP6 can now parallelise work using the message passing interface (MPI) and OpenMP at the same time. Where MPI parallelises on a per-orbital basis, OpenMP can create multiple threads of work nested within an MPI task, and so is a lower level, intra-node, form of communication. In other words, OpenMP parallelises/distributes the work of a single orbital. If you have large functions (for example, many plane waves and a small number of bands), you may wish to experiment with assigning multiple threads to each MPI task. This can be done by setting --cpus-per-task=2 - which will start 2 OpenMP threads for everyone 1 MPI task.

VASP may be further parallelised by treating k-points in parallel (controlled with KPAR), and parallelisation the FFTs (controlled with NPAR for VASP5 only). To optimise your VASP job parallelisation in these ways, see the following links:

Basic parallisation

Optimising the parallelisation

Our VASP5 modules do not support OpenMP

Our VASP5 modules do not support OpenMP and therefore cannot use OpenMP threading. VASP5 can perform an analogous form of parrellisation using the NPAR tag in the INCAR, however. For more information on how to use NPAR see VASP’s documentation page.

Visualisation with Atomic Simulation Environment's GUI

It is often helpful, or necessary, to visualise your POSCAR, CONTCAR, or other files that contain structural information. One easy way to do this is with the Atomic Simulation Environment's (ASE) GUI. ASE is a Python library that can script a wide variety of VASP tasks. In particular ASE's GUI can help visualise structures, set-up supercells, move atoms, generate POSCARs, and much more. To use the GUI simply add our latest Python version to your environment with module load Python. Then, call the GUI with ase-gui (for a new structure), or ase-gui <structure_file> to open an existing structure. For more information on how to use ASE see their main page here.

Which VASP environment module should I use?

In general, unless you require otherwise for the sake of consistency with earlier work or you rely on a removed feature, we recommend the most recent version for which you have a license.

We have previously used version suffixes such as "-BEEF" and "-VTST" to indicate the presence of various VASP extensions, but are now moving away from that as the number of such extensions has grown and we have not found any disadvantage in always including them.


If you do not have a license to use VASP 6 then use either VASP/5.4.4-CrayIntel-23.02-19-VTST-sol on Māui, or VASP/5.4.4-intel-2020a on Mahuika. Despite the lack of a version suffix, this build  includes the BEEF, VTST and VASP-Sol extensions, and also CUDA versions of the VASP executables.

Our testing suggests that OpenMP is not working in our VASP 5 builds, and so it doesn't pay to set --cpus-per-task greater than one.


For most purposes we recommend VASP/6.3.2-intel-2022a on Mahuika, which includes the BEEF, VTST, VASP-Sol, DFT-D4, LIBXC, and HDF5 extensions, and has functioning OpenMP support.

VASP6 has reimplemented its GPU support in such a way that it now makes sense to build the GPU version separately, so to try the latest GPU version of VASP, we have VASP/6.3.2-NVHPC-22.3-GCC-11.3.0-CUDA-11.6.2.

On Māui our only VASP 6 environment module is VASP/6.3.2-CrayIntel-23.02-19.


There are a number of 3rd party extensions to VASP which we include. None of them affect VASP unless specified in your INCAR file.


The VASP Transition State Tools, a third-party package for finding transition states and computing rate constants.


Our recent non-CUDA VASP executables all include BEEF (Bayesian Error Estimation Functionals).


VASPsol is an implicit solvation model that describes the effect of electrostatics, cavitation, aa dispersion on the interaction between a solute and solvent into the plane-wave DFT


Building on the very popular D3 model, DFT-D4 is the newest update to the dispersion-corrected Dnsity Functional Theory (DFT-D4 Van der Waals functional. This method is available for VASP6 only and is applied by setting IVDW=13 in the INCAR. If dispersion forces are important in your calculation, DFT-D4 offers a good way of describing these.


LIBXC is a library which contains over 400 functionals from all rungs on Jacob's ladder. Each functional is assigned an integer number ID which can be found on this website.

To use one of the LIBXC functionals, the following must be set in your INCAR


LIBXC1 = [string] or [integer]

and sometimes,

LIBXC2 = [string] or [integer]

As per the VASP documentation, "LIBXC2can be used only if the functional specified withLIBXC1 corresponds to only exchange and not to exchange and correlation." For more information on correct usage of LIBXC please seeVASP's documentation on this.

Which VASP executable should I use?

VASP is unusual among scientific software packages in that some of its execution options are controlled neither by the nature of the input data, nor by command line flags, but by the executable itself. We offer a range of VASP executables, each built with a different set of compile-time options so that the resulting binary is optimised for a particular sort of problem.

The different VASP executables are as follows:

Name Description
vasp_ncl The most demanding VASP executable, suitable for non-collinear calculations (i.e., with spin-orbit coupling)
vasp_std A VASP executable with intermediate memory demands, suitable for collinear calculations without spin-orbit coupling
vasp_gam A VASP executable with low memory demands, suitable for gamma-point calculations
vasp_gpu Like vasp_std, but with GPU support included. Only in VASP 5, because in VASP 6 the GPU build is a separate environment module.
vasp_gpu_ncl Like vasp_ncl, but with GPU support included. Only in VASP 5, because in VASP 6 the GPU build is a separate environment module.

OpenACC GPU version of VASP6

There is now an official OpenACC GPU version of VASP, replacing the older CUDA GPU version. See the official VASP documentation about the OpenACC version of VASP:

The *-NVHPC-* versions of the VASP modules on mahuika have been built with OpenACC support.

VASP can run really well on GPUs, although how much you will benefit from GPUs largely depends on the specific simulation/calculation that you are running (simulation type, parameters, number of atoms, etc). Therefore, it could be useful to run some smaller benchmarks (e.g. reduced number of time steps) with different GPU and CPU-only configurations in your Slurm scripts, before moving on to run larger production simulations. When considering which configuration to use for production you should take into account performance and compute unit cost.

General information about using GPUs on NeSI can be found here and details about the available GPUs on NeSI here.

Here are some additional notes specific to running VASP on GPUs on NeSI:

  • The command that you use to run VASP does not change - unlike the previous CUDA version, which had a vasp_gpu executable, with the OpenACC version the usual VASP executables (vasp_std, vasp_gam, vasp_ncl) are all built with OpenACC GPU support in the *-NVHPC-* modules, so just use those as usual
  • Always select one MPI process (Slurm task) per GPU, for example:

    • Running on 1 P100 GPU

      ``` sl
      # snippet of Slurm script
      #SBATCH --nodes=1
      #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1  # 1 task per node as we set 1 GPU per node below
      #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
      #SBATCH --gpus-per-node=P100:1
      # end snippet
    • Running on 4 HGX A100 GPUs on a single node

      ``` sl
      # snippet of Slurm script
      #SBATCH --nodes=1
      #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=4  # 4 tasks per node as we set 4 GPUs per node below
      #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
      #SBATCH --gpus-per-node=A100:4
      #SBATCH --partition=hgx  # required to get the HGX A100s instead of PCI A100s
      # end snippet
      • Multiple threads per MPI process (--cpus-per-task) might be beneficial for performance but you should start by setting this to 1 to get a baseline
      • VASP will scale better across multiple GPUs when they are all on the same node compared to across multiple nodes
      • if you see memory errors like call to cuMemAlloc returned error 2: Out of memory you probably ran out of GPU memory. You could try requesting more GPUs (so the total amount of available memory is higher) and/or moving to GPUs with more memory (note: GPU memory is distinct from the usual memory you have to request for your job via #SBATCH --mem or similar; when you are allocated a GPU you get access to all the GPU memory on that device)
        • P100 GPUs have 12 GB GPU memory and you can have a maximum of 2 per node
        • PCI A100 GPUs have 40 GB GPU memory and you can have a maximum of 2 per node
        • HGX A100 GPUs have 80 GB GPU memory and you can have a maximum of 4 per node
      • the HGX GPUs have a faster interconnect between the GPUs within a single node; if using multiple GPUs you may get better performance with the HGX A100s than with the PCI A100s
      • A100 GPUs have more compute power than P100s so will perform better if your simulation can take advantage of the extra power