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Singularity is a portable application stack packaging and runtime utility. Singularity Homepage

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module load Singularity/3.11.3


Warning: Singularity is deprecated at NeSI, please switch to using Apptainer instead.

Singularity is a science-focused application containerisation solution that is specifically tailored for integration with HPC systems and suitable for deployment across a broad range of science infrastructure environments. Singularity enables a high level of portability for research applications across various Linux distributions (and derivatives), from laptops to supercomputers.

Containerisation allows users to package a complete runtime environment into a single container image (typically a single file), including system libraries of various Linux flavours, custom user software, configuration files, and most other dependencies. The container image file can be easily copied and run on any Linux-based computing platform, enabling simple portability and supporting reproducibility of scientific results.

Unlike a virtual machine, a running container instance shares the host operating system's kernel, relying heavily on Linux namespaces (kernel partitioning and isolation features for previously global Linux system resources). Resources and data outside of the container can be mapped into the container to achieve integration, for example, Singularity makes it simple to expose GPUs to the container and to access input/output files & directories mounted on the host (such as those on shared filesystems).

Contrary to other containerisation tools such as Docker, Singularity removes the need for elevated privileges ("root access", e.g., via the "sudo" command) at container runtime. This feature is essential for enabling containers to run on shared platforms like an HPC, where users cannot be allowed to elevate privileges for security reasons. Singularity container images are also read-only by default at runtime, to help reproducibility of results, and they integrate easily with scheduling systems like Slurm and with MPI parallelisation.

Containerisation technologies, both the fundamental underlying Linux kernel features, the various runtime support tools, and associated cloud-services (such as container libraries, remote builders, and image signing services), are a broad and fast moving landscape. The information here is provided as an overview and may not necessarily be completely up-to-date with the latest available features, however we will endeavour to ensure it accurately reflects NeSI's currently supported Singularity version.

Building a new container

For more general information on building containers please see the Singularity Documentation

As building a container requires root privileges in general, this cannot be done directly on any NeSI nodes. You will need to copy a Singularity Image Format (SIF) to the cluster from on a local Linux machine or the cloud. Alternatively you can make use of a remote build service (currently only the syslabs builder is available).

However, it is possible to build some containers directly on NeSI, using the Milan compute nodes and Apptainer. Specific instructions are provided in a dedicated support page Build an Apptainer container on a Milan compute node. Please note this may fail to build some containers and encourage you to contact us at if you encounter an issue.

Remote Build Service

Running the command singularity remote login will provide you with a link to, once you have logged in you will be prompted to create a key. Copying the string from your newly created key into your terminal will authorise remote builds from your current host.

Specify you want to use the remote builder by adding the --remote flag to the build command.

singularity build --remote myContainer.sif myContainer.def

Build Environment Variables

The environment variables SINGULARITY_TMPDIR and SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR environment can be used to overwrite the default location of these directories. By default both of these values are set to /tmp which has limited space, large builds may exceed this limitation causing the builder to crash.

You may wish to change these values to somewhere in your project or nobackup directory.

export SINGULARITY_TMPDIR=/nesi/nobackup/nesi99999/.s_tmpdir
setfacl -b "$SINGULARITY_TMPDIR"  # avoid Singularity issues due to ACLs set on this folder
export SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=/nesi/nobackup/nesi99999/.s_cachedir

Please Sir, may I have a build node?

Moving a container to NeSI

A container in Singularity's SIF format can be easily moved to the HPC filesystem by:

To download a container, use commands such as

module load Singularity
singularity pull library://sylabsed/linux/alpine

Please refer to the Singularity documentation for further details.

Using a Docker container

Singularity can transparently use Docker containers, without the need to be root or to have Docker installed.

To download and convert a Docker container as a Singularity image, use the pull command with a docker:// prefix. The following example downloads the latest version of the Ubuntu docker container and save it in the ubuntu.sif Singularity image file:

singularity pull ubuntu.sif docker://ubuntu

Access to private containers that needs registration is also supported, as detailed in the Singularity documentation.

If you are building your own containers, you can also use Docker containers as basis for a Singularity image, by specifying it in the definition file as follows:

Bootstrap: docker
From: ubuntu:latest

    # intallation instructions go here

Running a container on Mahuika or Māui Ancil

Singularity is not currently available on the Māui XC50 supercomputer.

Singularity containers can easily be run on Mahuika or Māui Ancil once they are uploaded to a NeSI filesystem. Load the Singularity module first by running the command

module load Singularity

You can now execute a command inside the container using

singularity exec my_container.sif <command>

If your container has a "%runscript" section, you can execute it using

singularity run my_container.sif

To have a look at the contents of your container, you can "shell" into it using

singularity shell my_container.sif

Note the prompt is now prefixed with "Singularity",


Exit the container by running the command

Singularity> exit

which will bring you back to the host system.

Accessing directories outside the container

Singularity containers are immutable by default to support reproducibility of science results. Singularity will automatically bind your home directory if possible, giving you access to all files in your home directory tree.

If the work directory from which you spin up the container is outside your home directory (e.g., in the "nobackup" or "project" file spaces) and you need to access its contents, you will need to bind this directory using, e.g., the command

singularity run --bind $PWD my_container.sif

Note that older releases of Singularity bind the work directory automatically.

You can easily bind extra directories and optionally change their locations to a new path inside the container using, e.g.,

singularity run --bind "/nesi/project/<your project ID>/inputdata:/var/inputdata,\
/nesi/nobackup/<your project ID>/outputdata:/var/outputdata" my_container.sif

Directories inputdata and outputdata can now be accessed inside your container under /var/inputdata and /var/outputdata. Alternatively, you can set environment variable SINGULARITY_BIND before running your container,

export SINGULARITY_BIND="/nesi/project/<your project ID>/inputdata:/var/inputdata,\
/nesi/nobackup/<your project ID>/outputdata:/var/outputdata"

Accessing a GPU

If your Slurm job has requested access to an NVIDIA GPU (see GPU use on NeSI to learn how to request a GPU), a singularity container can transparently access it using the --nv flag:

singularity run --nv my_container.sif


Make sure that your container contains the CUDA toolkit and additional libraries needed by your application (e.g. cuDNN). The --nv option only ensures that the basic CUDA libraries from the host are bound into the container and that the GPU device is accessible in the container.

Network isolation

Singularity bridges the host network into the container by default. If you want to isolate the network, add flags --net --network=none when you run the container, e.g.,

singularity run --net --network=none my_container.sif

Slurm example

It is easy to run Singularity containers inside Slurm jobs. Here is an example setup to run a container that uses 4 CPUs:

#!/bin/bash -e
#SBATCH --job-name=singularity
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00
#SBATCH --mem=1024MB
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4

module load Singularity

# Bind directories and append SLURM job ID to output directory
export SINGULARITY_BIND="/nesi/project/<your project ID>/inputdata:/var/inputdata,\
/nesi/nobackup/<your project ID>/outputdata_${SLURM_JOB_ID:-0}:/var/outputdata"

# Run container %runscript
srun singularity run my_container.sif

Note that the output directory "outputdata" in the HPC file system is automatically suffixed with the Slurm job ID in the above example, but it is always available under the same path "/var/outputdata" from within the container. This makes it easy to run multiple containers in separate Slurm jobs. Please refer to our SLURM: Reference../../Getting_Started/Getting_Help/Cheat_Sheets/ Sheet for further details on using Slurm.

Tips & Tricks

  • Make sure that your container runs before uploading it - you will not be able to rebuild it from a new definition file directly on the HPC
  • Try to configure all software to run in user space without requiring privilege escalation via "sudo" or other privileged capabilities such as reserved network ports - although Singularity supports some of these features inside a container on some systems, they may not always be available on the HPC or other platforms, therefore relying on features such as Linux user namespaces could limit the portability of your container
  • If your container runs an MPI application, make sure that the MPI distribution that is installed inside the container is compatible with Intel MPI
  • Write output data and log files to the HPC file system using a directory that is bound into the container - this helps reproducibility of results by keeping the container image immutable, it makes sure that you have all logs available for debugging if a job crashes, and it avoids inflating the container image file