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Environment Modules

For most users Environment modules are the most convenient way to provide access to applications on the cluster.

NeSI staff centrally install and maintain a wide range of applications. Each of these software packages require a specific set of environment variables in order to work. It would not be possible to have all the software accessible, as many of these environment variables would interfere with each other (especially in the case of multiple versions of the same software).

An Environment Module encapsulates all these variables and other dependencies allowing for straight forward loading and unloading as required using the module command.

Other Types of Module

These modules are different from 'perl' or 'python' modules and should not be confused with that.

They prepare the environment you need to run an application.

Basic Commands

For a full list of module commands run man module.

Command Description
module spider [ <string> ] List all modules whose names, including version strings, contain <string>. If the <string> argument is not supplied, list all available modules. (only on Mahuika)
module show <string> Show the contents of the module given by <string>. If only the module name (e.g. Python) is given, show the default module of that name. If both name and version are given, show that particular version module.
module load <string> Load the module (name and version) given by <string>. If no version is given, load the default version.
module unload <string> Load the module
module list [ <string> ] List all currently loaded modules whose names, including version strings, contain <string>. If the <string> argument is not supplied, list all currently loaded modules.
module purge List all currently loaded modules whose names, including version strings, contain <string>. If the <string> argument is not supplied, list all currently loaded modules.

Version Management

Much of the software installed on the NeSI cluster have multiple versions available as shown on the supported applications page or by using the module avail or module spider commands.

If only the application name is given a default version will be chosen, generally the most recent one. However it is good practice to load modules using the specific version so you can ensure consistent execution of your job even after the default version has been changed.

If you need a specific version of software, feel free to ask support and we may install it.


module load ANSYS

Will load the default version of ANSYS, in this case 19.2, however this may change.

module load ANSYS/18.1

Will always load that version specifically.