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The following videos provide some additional context and demonstrate the contribution workflow on GitHub:

The primary target audience is the NeSI team.

Any changes made should be merged via a pull request.

Minor edits through GitHub

  • Open the GitHub page of the repository, i.e., and find the support page you want to edit.
  • Then click on the edit icon or press e to open the integrated editor.
  • In the integrated editor, use the preview tab to check the rendered version.
    Note: Be aware that, unfortunately, the GitHub preview won't render properly some elements, in particular admonitions.
  • Once you have finished, press the Commit changes... button to create a new commit. This will lead you to create a new pull request too.

GitHub pull request form

Major edits through GitHub

Codespace Environment

This repository has been configured to be usable with GitHub Codespaces. It allows accessing a full featured pre-configured development environment remotely, without installing anything on your local machine.

Clicking on the following link will open a VS Code instance ready to be used with the latest version of the documentation files.

Open in GitHub Codespaces

Sharing Codespace Deployment

Branch deployments can be shared

  1. Open 'PORTS' Tab.

  2. Right click on the port and select in the menu, 'Port Visiblity' -> 'Public'.

  3. Copy forwarded address (ctrl + c)

share codespace

Sharing this address will allow other people to view your deployment, so long as your codespace is running.

Local Development Environment

A local development environment is not required to make doc edits, but if you are making lots of changes, the real time rendering can be quite helpful.

First Time Setup

You will need to have Python 3.10 or later installed on your computer.

Clone this repository and create a Python virtual environment using:

git clone
cd support-docs
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Make Development Branch

git checkout -b my_development_branch

Build and deploy

source .venv/bin/activate
mkdocs serve -c

Take note of any warnings or errors.

A link to the deployment will be printed once served.

VS Code configuration

You can use any IDE you want, but various tools have been configured for use with VS Code.

When opening the workspace for the first time, you should be prompted to install the Recommended VS Code Plugins.


ctrl + space can be used to aid by auto-completing.

e.g. starting to type an image include ![my image]( then pressing ctrl + space will show all the valid paths.

Custom snippets can be added in ../.vscode/includes.code-snippets

Command Palette

Pressing ctrl + shift + p, will open up the VSCode command pallet. This allows you access to all functionality within VS Code, with only a few key presses.

alt text


Some of the same checks run during the GitHub CI, can also be run in VS Code.

This is shown with word underlining, and in the 'PROBLEMS' tab in the terminal.

Tasks allow continuous checks to be run in the background, these can be defined in ../.vscode/tasks.json, also include in ../.vscode/settings.json in order to trigger on save.


Whenever a change is commited, or a merge request opened, a series of automatic checks will be started. From a pull request, the status of these checks can be seen in the 'Checks' tab, or inline under the 'Files Changed' Tab.

Will give three levels of ourput, Errors (serious issues that will prevent merging into main), Warnings (non-critical suggestions for improvement) and Info (pedantry).

Making a Merge Request

The main branch is protected, changes can be made via a pull request.

Make a pull request for your development branch into main.

If you are using a local development environment,

git checkout -b <branchname>

When you are done with your changes

git push origin <branchname>

CI checks will run on your branch, you can check them under 'Actions' Might be worth having a quick look at these before making a pull request.

Make a pull request

After a few minutes, a preview of the source branch will be deployed, a bot will post a link in the comments with the relevent pages.


Assign a reviewer if you wish.

If you want someone else to check and merge, add the review_merge tag.

Adding the tag will cause the request to be merged at midnight, if all checks passed.

Reviewing A Merge Request

Under the 'pull requests' tab, open one of the pending requests.

See Merge Etiquette below.

Clicking on the 'Files Changed' tab, will give a convenient diff of the changes, as well as inline errors identified by the CI checks.

If some of the CI checks failed (make sure they are not important ones), you will have to click the Merge without waiting for requirements to be met (bypass branch protections) button before proceeding with the merge.

Feel free to raise an issue, make a proposal or add words to the dictionary if you feel you are being unfairly targeted by the CI checks.

Merge Etiquette

Just because a merge request has been opened, doesn't mean anyone should merge it.

Has Tag Should I review it? Should I merge it?
auto_merge Sure Sure
It will be merged at midnight anyway.
Remove this label if you think further checking is required.
review_merge Yes Please!
Someone is wanting this page reviewed!
Feel free to start a conversation if you don't think it is up to scratch.
Once you have reviewed, Yes
neither, above Sure
It might be appreciated.
Unless you were assigned as reviewer No!
Another person or team may still be working on this issue. Leave it alone!

Update Remote Assets

Certain files need to be fetched from other repos for up to date info. This will be automated, but for now the proccess is manual.

  1. Run the Fetch Remote Assets workflow in this repo.
  2. A branch new-assets will be created, which can be merged into main.

Adding Words to Dictionary

If the CI is failing the spellcheck phase, and you believe the identified words are not typos, (double check your capitalisation and apostrophes first) you can update the dictionary being used.

  1. Visit the NeSI Word List, follow the instructions there on adding words.
  2. Once changes to the word list have been merged, return to this repo and run update remote assets.
  3. You should see your new words in the Dictionary if your words included a definition, they will also be in the Glossary.

Raise an issue

Not documented at the moment (TODO)

The 'Supported Apps' Page

Quite a lot of data-sources come together to make this page:

  • mkdocs article titles
  • lmod info scraped from all clusters
  • licence counts from prometheus instance
  • licence details from config file
  • Manual overwrites in the modules list repo.

Most of these are collected together in the modules list repo

Adding/Fixing Information

Description, Homepage, Packages

Fix the information in the module file.

Is there a child page with the same title as the module? (case sensitive).

Domain, Licence Type

Can be added in modules list

Deprecations and Warning

Pulled from lmod admin.lists file

Network Licence Details

Ask cal, or read the readme at /opt/nesi/nesi-apps-admin/LicConfig/

Everything Else

Can be added in the manual overwrite file.


Any of these changes will require an update of remote assets.