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NeSI Support is changing tools

From the 29th of May, NeSI's Support team will be using a new support desk platform to accept, track, and solve inquiries and issues sent to The change is part of an evolution of our tools to better support researchers using NeSI's compute platforms and data services.

How this impacts you

Emailing is the most common way to connect with our Support team. You can ask us questions, let us know of issues or challenges you're having with systems or services, and action tasks related to your account and allocation(s). The process of contacting our Support team won't change much (see below for more details), but behind the scenes, the new ticketing system will allow us to more effectively respond to your requests for help and suggestions for service improvements.

What is changing

  • Replies to support tickets will come from ''.
  • We are reviewing the value of having a separate portal where you can view your past tickets, open tickets or raise new tickets. Tell us what you think using this form or by sending an email to

What stays the same

  • Requests for support or questions about NeSI platforms and services can still be sent by email to These will raise new support tickets for response from a member of our Support Team.
  • All your current tickets will stay open. Any requests you currently have in the queue will be migrated over to the new support desk platform and solved from there.

Documentation Changes

Our support documentation is now hosted at We made the shift to improve maintainability, openness, and collaboration around our support documentation. We shared more details in this announcement. We would love to hear your feedback on the new documentation pages. Let us know your thoughts via this form or by emailing

Thank you for your patience while we make these changes. We're working to ensure responses to support requests are not overly delayed during the switchover. In general, we strive to reply to support requests within one business day of receiving a message.

If you have any questions at any time, send an email to or pop into our online Weekly Office Hours to chat one-on-one with a member of our Support team.