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Standard Terminal Setup


First time setup

The login process can be simplified significantly with a few easy configurations.

  1. In a new local terminal run; mkdir -p ~/.ssh/sockets this will create a subdirectory in your home directory to store socket configurations.

  2. Open your ssh config file (e.g. nano ~/.ssh/config to open with the text editor nano) and add the following (replacing username with your username):

    Host mahuika
       User username
       ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p lander
       ForwardX11 yes
       ForwardX11Trusted yes
       ServerAliveInterval 300
       ServerAliveCountMax 2
    Host lander
       User username
       ForwardX11 yes
       ForwardX11Trusted yes
       ServerAliveInterval 300
       ServerAliveCountMax 2
    Host *
        ControlMaster auto
        ControlPath ~/.ssh/sockets/ssh_mux_%h_%p_%r
        ControlPersist 1

    Close and save with ctrl x, y, Enter

  3. Ensure the permissions are correct by running chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config.


Assuming you have followed the setup above you will be able to connect to the clusters directly using;

ssh mahuika

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